As mentioned in History of Notes Migration, what prompted this migration was Tiddlywiki's inability to scale. See Tiddlywiki - Inability to scale. True to the Infinite buffet approach, I decided to see what is around and what all fits my Note taking Apps - Criteria.
Every migration is painful. Every migration is also intended to be the last. So I tried to introduce little more resilience this time. Instead of choosing a single note taking application, I chose markdown with extra features that is supported by more than 1 application. These extra features include
These set of rules essentially opened up a large swathe of possibilities - from Foam, Vimwiki(markdown), Obsidian, Logseq, Notability, Joplin, Vnote, Qownnotes...
After a rapid round of whittling down, I essentially brought it down to Obsidian and Foam. I use Obsidian as my daily driver, but I use it in conjunction with foam to ensure that if Obsidian goes caput, I can switch in an instant.